Tuesday 24 August 2021

Boss Machine - Crater Level :)

Hi Everyone,

A quick post showing what I will be working on today.  Will post more updates in this post. 

- First I need to create the parallax splits (see the lines at either end of the image).
- Second I need to clean up the craters so they correctly align into the parallax and don't get cut up when parallax is moving.
- Export each split into 16 colours.

- a few other clean ups might happen during the process.

Will also show some other ideas of how this level will work. If you would like to follow the process please visit my blog 

(not paywalled) https://www.patreon.com/posts/boss-machine-55262391 

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

  1. That looks fantastic. Add in some water effects, with parallax on the clouds and it will be stunning.
